Why Travelling With Your Children Is the Greatest Adventure

  • By Christopher da Costa
  • Published 05 December 2022
  • Revised 07 December 2022
Why Travelling With Your Children Is the Greatest Adventure
  • By Christopher da Costa
  • Published 05 December 2022
  • Revised 07 December 2022
Why Travelling With Your Children Is the Greatest Adventure
  • By Christopher da Costa
  • Published 05 December 2022
  • Revised 07 December 2022

Many parents reading this may laugh and disagree with the article title but bear with us...

Amid the moments of chaos, potential meltdowns and general madness that comes with travelling with your kids, there’s so much joy to be had for families of all ages. Those who love to travel know that it is a gift and a privilege to do so. It is illuminating, eye-opening, and exciting, yet it can also be overwhelming and unpredictable. The sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and feelings your children will experience when travelling with you make it all worth it, and the benefits to their overall development are endless.

If you still need convincing, here are even more reasons why globetrotting with your children can be the greatest adventure, as well as our top tips for a seamless family holiday...

You Will Take Your Time

Travelling childless allows you to be more impulsive but if we are hopping from one place to the next our stays can be short-lived and quickly forgettable, but with kids in tow, you can take a more leisurely approach and enjoy ‘real’ experiences. Linger in a place you all like, even if it’s just a little town square with fountains to splash in. And make the most of the restful times by the sea, spotting unique wildlife on nature walks, or meandering through villages with no particular purpose.

Slow down and notice all the small things your children find fascinating; spend time exploring the sights you may have otherwise overlooked if you were travelling alone. Kids have the best imaginations and often find magic in the most seemingly mundane of things and places – collect hundreds of colourful shells on the beach, marvel at a really tall building or listen out for unrecognisable bird noises!

Travelling Opens Minds

Exploring and witnessing different languages, cultures and foods broadens your children’s minds even from a very young age. They will get the chance to smell new smells, taste new flavours, hear mysterious new sounds and words as well as witness an everyday way of life that differs from their own.

Travelling and exposing your children to the wider world builds tolerance, acceptance, flexibility, and the ability to adapt to changing situations – all valuable life skills that can’t simply be taught in the classroom.

Holidays Strengthen Family Bonds

Quality family holiday time is unmatched when it comes to kids’ happiness and development. And travelling together allows you to share and bond over the same experiences and wonderment, whether riding a white-knuckle rollercoaster together, walking quietly through an ancient site or trying some unusual local street food at the same time. 

Taking lots of photographs together means you’ll have shared memories that you can reminisce over even when they are grown up and have their own families.

Our Top Tips

As you'll know, tactics to keep little terrors entertained vary depending on their age. That's why we’ve broken down a list of our top tips for a smooth and seamless holiday adventure based on all stages of childhood, from grabby and crawly infants to hard-to-please teens...


From our personal experience, under twos are by far the easiest to travel with, as they sleep a lot and can be transported with minimal fuss in their buggy or car seat. However, keeping to your usual routines is key so if you must, feed them on the go and let them nap in their pushchair if they need to, even if they happen to miss a few animals at the wildlife park. You snooze you lose, kid.
Keep your infant’s favourite toys, books and comforters to hand and make sure to let them crawl or walk around when they get the chance, so they aren’t confined to the stroller or baby carrier! 

Toddlers & School-age Kids

Toddlers and pre-schoolers are slightly more challenging – what with the tantrums and unreasonableness and all – but travelling with them can be infinitely more rewarding than with a very young baby. As they grow, they will engage more by speaking and interacting with the world and people around them; memories will form, and your holidays together will positively shape their future.
Don’t forget to allow them time to let loose at a playground, beach or swimming pool in-between sightseeing and adventuring to expend some of that energy!

Tweens & Teens

Get your older kids involved in the planning and decision-making for your trip. They can pack their own suitcases, choose some new holiday clothes, and take responsibility for their own things (though we wouldn't blame you for discreetly double-checking they’ve included the essentials like underwear and bathing suits before you leave).
Also consider letting them help pick the destination and their preferred attractions to visit, or simply where to go for dinner and what outdoor activities to try. This should help combat the dreaded barrage of ‘I’m bored’ and ‘are we nearly there yet?’

Final Thoughts

Holidaying with children is indeed a different beast, and once you return, you may need a child-free spa break or two to get over it. But there are few more rewarding moments than seeing their eyes light up at the sight of something remarkable.
A hug from Mickey Mouse, that first dive-bomb into the pool, the moment they discover that fried octopus tentacles are actually rather tasty, or the first time they confidently say ‘thank you’ in a foreign language – these are the moments to cherish.

Whether you’re looking for a relaxing poolside getaway with your kids or an action-packed adventure trip, we’ve got you covered. Check out our family packages here, and check-in to your dream holiday. 

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